Dr. Nitzan Kenig
Dr. Nitzan Kenig, a MIR certified plastic surgeon based in Mallorca and a researcher in Artificial Intelligence (AI), holds a degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Granada. He is a member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE) and its Balearic counterpart (SBCPRE). Specializing in the application of AI in Plastic Surgery, his distinguished scientific work includes numerous publications in prestigious journals, such as Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS) of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, where he was awarded the Best Technological Article of PRS GO in 2024.
Dr. Kenig holds two master’s degrees and is currently pursuing a PhD focused on Artificial Intelligence applied to Plastic Surgery. His training includes the University Hospital of Albacete, along with clinical stays at leading institutions such as La Paz Hospital in Madrid and the Cavadas Clinic in Valencia, as well as rotations in Colombia and South Korea. He has worked at the University Hospital of Albacete and the Montón Institute (HLA Rosario Women’s Unit) in Albacete and Alicante. He currently practices at the Instituto Rubí within the Quirónsalud Palmaplanas Hospital in Mallorca.
Recognized as a national and international speaker, Dr. Kenig actively participates in conferences, particularly in the field of AI and its medical applications. He is also a member of the editorial committee for scientific journals and serves as a reviewer for specialized articles.
Check out Dr. Monton´s website at: https://doctormonton.com/
Check out the Insituto Rubí website: https://institutorubi.com/
Medical Doctor Degree From Granada Medical School, Spain (UGR)
Plastic and Reconstructive Specialty in Oficial Spanish Healthcare System (MIR)
Master´s Degree in Clínical Reasoning and Practice (UAH)
Master´s Degree in Aesthetic and Rejuvenation Medicine (UDIMA)
PhD doctorando in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Plastic Surgery (UCLM)
Memeber of Spanish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (SECPRE)
Memeber of Spanish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (SBCPRE)
Editorial Board Memeber of International Journal of Transplantation and Plastic Surgery ISSN :2639-2127
Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas Nevada
May 2024 VCS
Best Paper Award PRS GO 2024
Best Paper Award in Technology
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery PRS
Human Beauty According to AI
Degree from Granada Medical School (Spain)
Covid-19 pandemic. A local artist dedicated work to Nitzan and his colleagues who worked with Covid-19 patients during the initial outbreak
Presentation of work in National Congress of Spanish Society of Plastic Surgoens
AI in Healthcare
Background images created with ChatGPT/DALLE Oct 24